Maya Bialik LLC provides several different consulting packages for schools looking to strategically redesign their approach to curriculum and create meaningful education.
Curriculum is critical, yet most schools don’t have a cohesive strategy. Maya Bialik LLC helps schools think strategically about their curriculum choices and the way they are operationalized in the school climate, helping teachers and students get the most out of the way the curriculum is implemented.
Mix-n-Match or start with one and then do more as desired: Every school is different, with its unique goals and logistical constraints. MBLLC will work with you to figure out how best to schedule and price whichever options are chosen.

Core Offerings:
Leadership Curriculum Strategy Meetings
Three meetings with the leadership team on the goals and approaches of their curriculum model as a cohesive unit.
Meeting 1: The Why
Goals of our school’s curriculum
Snapshot of current landscape & impact
Meeting 2: The What
Role of disciplinary objectives
Role of interdisciplinarity
Meeting 3: The How
Role of student and teacher autonomy
Role of competencies
Teacher Professional Development
What’s the Point? In your favorite lesson plan:
What are the content and competency learning objectives?
Why are these important?
How can we know if we are achieving our goals?
Why do we teach your discipline?
What does it mean to think like a scientist/artist/historian/mathematician?
Review results of Curriculum Snapshot (optional - see below)
See if there is a match to student perceptions
Discuss mismatches and how to improve those that could be improved
Improving lesson plans together
Work in groups on lesson plan case studies
Student workshop(s) or ongoing support based on surveys
Learn competencies: Metacognition, Curiosity, Self Efficacy, Time management through homework help
Learn to learn: Find deeper meaning in your work: learn about the kinds of lenses you can bring to your work that will consistently motivate you.
Curriculum Snapshot
Conduct Surveys of the
Curriculum aspect of School Climate
of students about their most and least meaningful assignments / the meaning level of their last 5 assignments
of teachers about their most and least meaningful assignments / the meaning level of their last 2 assignments
Individualized Instructional Coaching
Before the class:
Workshop curriculum unit plans
Facilitate synergistic unit planning across classes
Observe the class with a meaningful learning lens and debrief afterwards
Review and Publish Teacher-Created Curriculum
Review of teacher’s most innovative units through the lens of deeper learning, interdisciplinarity, cohesion, and repeatability with quantitative and qualitative scoring and feedback
Publishing 1-2 units per subject per year into a polished open-source curriculum.