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Dunn, K., Fortier, E., Taylor, R., Weiss, J., Holohan, W., Bialik, M., Fadel, C. (2021) Embedding Competencies within DisciplinesDeliberately, Explicitly & Systematically. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M., Hill, K., Bassett, K. (2020) Teaching Competencies in the Context of Disciplines. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Fadel, C., & Bialik, M. (2018) Knowledge for the Age of Artificial Intelligence: What Should Students Learn? Center for Curriculum Redesign


Hill, K. L., Fadel, C., & Bialik, M. (2018). Psychomotor Skills for the 21st Century. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M. (2017) Overcoming System Inertia in Education Reform. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Fadel, C., & Bialik, M. (2017). Assessments for the 21st Century: Findings from the Assessment Research Consortium. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M. (2015) Redesigning the Curriculum for the 21stCentury Education: CCR Foundational White Paper. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M. (2015) Theory of Change and Research Process. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M., & Fadel, C. (2015). Meta-learning for the 21st century: What should students learn. Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M., Bogan, M., Fadel, C., & Horvathova, M. (2015). Character education for the 21st century: What should students learn? Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M., & Fadel, C. (2015). Skills for the 21st century: What should students learn? Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bialik, M. (2014) Does mathematics education enhance higher-order thinking skills? Center for Curriculum Redesign


Bar-Yam, Y., & Bialik, M. (2013). Beyond big data: Identifying important information for real world challenges. New England Complex Systems Institute


Bertrand, K. Z., Bialik, M., Virdee, K., Gros, A., & Bar-Yam, Y. Sentiment in new york city: A high resolution spatial and temporal view. New England Complex Systems Institute


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